Monday, June 02, 2008

cheap holidays in other peoples misery

here is a wee slice of Italy where they nailed our hats on wi' th' prices. Up there are Alessandra and Alfredo who were mucho generous with their apartment and grub... unfortunately I nearly dies trying to breathe in near their cat.

Here is the view from the camp site where they used softer nails on our hats When yor da moon
My pals Jon and kate have a gaff in spain. The lights go off when you turn on the shower. i thought Kate was joking when she told us that as we left the airport... turned out to be true.

Super terriferrets all round


Lauren said...

I love the pictures!! Looks like beautiful countries...Hope you had a great holiday!

Rob A. said...

looks a little like the 'Chi. If you close one eye and stand on your head and don't hear anyone speak.
Good times I am sure!

Christian said...

Ahh so thats why Allesandra is so happy all the time.Looks a bit like Chorlton.

The Tale Tales of the Wayfarer said...

ahhh nam nam anm anm hoo, I wish I was there, Nice shots Mick a roo

Gene Fowler said...

Great shots bro. what a great joint! take more pictures of silly things my man!

alf said...


That's us! Cooking! Our kitchen!
Hope you had great holidays guys... stay longer next time, we'll make a bed on the balcony!

Alessandra Sorrentino said...

awww you look so cute with that rainbow on your happy allergic face! :)
you should add a picture of the beast to make it credible my dear.

Abel said...

Wow that's fucking beautiful!
you should have come to annecy sucker, then we can all go on a big journey to the centre of the world and collect eggs containing mythical beasts...