It would appear that some folks I admire from a distance are making these 'influence' charts. Obviously I thought that it was another attempt by the internet to promote narcissism in a new and creative way... then I thought ahh bollocks to it....
Can you guess the arters? Do you care? One lump or two?
Victor Muscoso (and by association Rick griffin), hunt emerson, uderzo, robert crumb(and by association gilbert shelton), robert williams (and by association big daddy roth 'the man who made california cool'), vaughn bode, john k, ronald searle... all worth a look up
Astérix et Obélix by Goscinny et Uderzo. not too sure about the rest of them. But big fan of that cartoon. Ready most, if not all of them.
Victor Muscoso (and by association Rick griffin), hunt emerson, uderzo, robert crumb(and by association gilbert shelton), robert williams (and by association big daddy roth 'the man who made california cool'), vaughn bode, john k, ronald searle... all worth a look up
and Derek Riggs! mustn't forget him
I wanna make one too!
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