Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Espylacopa: Veiling of the lift

Run! ... don't walk to ....

Where you will find many great fellow's comic strips. We had a meeting in a secret mountain
location and these fine fellows all agreed to sully their own reputations by becoming almost
directly involved with me... go there, laugh, love, set your house of fire or just eat so much bacon that it actually becomes a problem


Lee said...

Bloomin' fantastic.

Just been over to the website, its excellent, I'll be sure to make a daily stop every morning

Joey Lee said...

Excellent! It's been a pleasure seeing your artwork evolve over the years. Very inspirational.

Mick said...

cheers fellows

Joey, i must say thanks. As it goes i feel i have gotten a little better. often it takes someone to point that out, so thanks for that... I keep trying and it drives me crazy that i am not the super king of the galaxy considering the hours I put in... but all being what it is I really appreciate that you say i have progressed