Wednesday, November 22, 2006

people i didn't see while not out sketching them

I spent some time not drawing people I didn't see and these two where probably the most prominent out of the whole none of them. There wasn't quite an unbunch to look through i can tell you. After i finished not doing it I had a good stand up and no cup of tea.
I learnt a valuable lesson though... and if we can all do that every day then by the end of a month we'll have learnt 30 lessons (unless it's february)


Dan said...

awesome stuff mick. I don't think iv'e seen this kind of stuff from you before.'tis wicked indeed.

B Roy said...

My B-day is on February 18.

I'll I not get a gift that day?


Jez Hall said...

Feckin great!

Jeroen said...

Wow, those are amazing. Loose, but full of character! It almost looks like drawn digitally. Is it just ink on paper?

Mick said...

it's flash right there is what it is my old tater

Unknown said...

Love the loose line, great character drawings!