Wednesday, March 28, 2007

My mate Milenko

I drew these after seeing some pictures by my great show biz buddy {pauses for appplause and 'knowing' show business guffaws} and chief doodler of stretched 'just right' anatomy {Further applause, shouts of 'HURRAH' in capital lettuce}. Why not go take a peep at his blog? I have put his link there on the right... go on don't be afraid. {Exits stage left to tremendous silence and tomatoes}


Jay D Smith said...

woah, you dirty monkey!!

Milenko said...

Eheheh, cool work, I like it all.
And all the permissions and stuff on my behalf are in order :)

Cheers to you,


Mark Osberg said...

tee hee, boobies

Shem said...

Indeed Boobs. Truly suction cup melons are way forward. Great stuff as usual.

Mukpuddy said...

Ahhh boobs, I'd totally forgotten about them til just then....

J.W. Foged said...

Hi Mick!
Sorry for no t getting back at you before now.
I'm just lazy!

Your stuff looks bautiful as always.

Keep up the good work, and keep on beeing Mickish.
And PLEASE rape a little mongoloid kid in a wheelchair....
Just kidding.
Have fun and don't die.